New system reveals how to start a remote PDF business that generates $3.5k per week in 2024

Without Showing your face, dancing around on tikTok, selling physical products or wasting time creating content

Backed By Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee*

What's the PDF Empire Builder™?

Did you know there's a $17.2 billion PDF market hiding in plain sight?

Every day, millions of people turn to TikTok, desperately searching for solutions to their problems.

They're not looking for lengthy courses or physical products that will take weeks to arrive.

They want quick, actionable answers they can download instantly.

All you need to do is present them with a PDF guide that holds all of the answers they are searching for, right when they are searching for it.

Here's how it works:

1. You choose a problem-solving PDF from our library of 20 ready-to-sell PDFs (let's say you choose the "17 Bedtime Rituals to Get Your Baby to Sleep Through the Night in Just 5 Days" PDF.

2. You then choose from over 50,000 faceless TikTok videos in the PDF Empire Builder library to promote the PDF on TikTok.

3. You post 3 of these per day (takes less than 20 mins per day). If you do this for 30 days using our templates, there's NO WAY you won't hit 1M+ views.

TikTok's AI is so smart that it automatically shows your videos to your ideal target audience using the hacks that we show you.

Now, you're probably thinking:

"Views are great, but how much money will I make?"

On average, 1% of TikTok video views convert into PDF sales, but let's low-ball it and say that 0.5% of views turn into PDF sales.

Check this out...

This 5 second video right here is promoting a PDF teaching women how to 'manifest' their ex boyfriends back 👇

The PDF is priced at $19.

So, let's do the math...


0.5% of views purchase the $19 PDF...

So that's 1,726 people buying the $19 PDF...

= $16,397 🤯 (pure profit... from 1 video)

Now, JUST LOOK at how many people on TikTok have searched for answers to their problems in the past 7 days alone...

Are you starting to see how much potential there is here?

There are THOUSANDS of niches...

There are billions of daily active users on TikTok...

And you can do this in ANY language using AI...

And the best part about this...

You don't need to be an expert.

You don't need to spend countless hours on research or writing.

And you certainly don't need to show your face or build a personal brand.

All you need is a PDF to sell, videos to market the PDF (without showing your face or creating your own content), a sales page where you will sell your PDF and an automated system to automatically send your PDF to your customers after they purchase it from you.

You get ALL of this DONE-FOR-YOU when you join The PDF Empire Builder program...

Here's what this means for you:

  • You will be tapping into a booming $17.2 billion PDF market

  • You will access to 20 ready-to-sell PDFs in the best-selling niches

  • You will have instant access to a library of over 50,000 faceless TikTok videos to generate sales for your PDFs

  • You will build a sustainable, scalable income stream without showing your face

  • You will have the potential to generate $3,500+ per week

This is The PDF Empire Builder™ – a revolutionary approach to online income that puts you at the forefront of the digital solution economy.

Here's what that looks like for people who have used it:

The PDF Empire Builder™ is a shortcut

Before I discovered selling PDFs online, I was trapped in a soul-crushing job at Greggs Bakery in rainy Manchester, UK, watching the clock tick away my life, trying to figure out a different path for years.

I was stuck chasing after every "make money online" scheme, trying to find a new solution that would give me the freedom and income I wanted.

This led me to questioning everything, and eventually found myself searching for a new method to success, finding a solution that was drastically new and different…

I tried all the solutions the 'gurus' were peddling:

  • Dropshipping

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Amazon FBA

  • SMMA

  • Trading

And nothing seemed to work...

Why? Because they're oversaturated, time-consuming, and often require significant upfront investment or expertise.

That's when I did something crazy...

I took all the best things from each solution:

  • The product creation speed of dropshipping, but with digital products that never run out of stock

  • The passive income potential of affiliate marketing, but owning the product and keeping 100% of the profits

  • The hands-off fulfillment of Amazon FBA, but without inventory or shipping headaches

  • The high-ticket potential of SMMA, but with lower overhead and easier scalability

  • The data-driven approach of trading, but applied to creating products that meet market demand

And discovered a new model where I could create an expert-level PDF with AI and sell them to tens of thousands of eager buyers every single month.

And today, you have the opportunity to

duplicate the entire system I built

by getting access to the $247 business-in-a-box I call 'The PDF Empire Builder™'.

The #1 Mistake Everyone Makes Is Simply Not Starting.

After scaling my first PDF launch to £100,000 in sales within 90 days and helping countless students achieve similar results…

…We decided to package all our knowledge and experience into a foolproof plug-and-play system, anyone can install in the matter of minutes, in order to start generating $3,500+ weekly income…

  • Without having to become an expert in any field

  • Without having to show your face or build a personal brand

  • Without having to create original content or spend hours on research

  • And without having to master complex tech skills or advertising platforms (yes, you don't need to run ads to generate sales)

It's a step-by-step system designed to get you creating and selling high-value PDFs, allowing you to tap into a time-tested market with cutting-edge technology.

Now, here's the thing: People's problems aren't new. Since the 1970s, entrepreneurs have been selling informational books and DVDs through the mail, making fortunes by providing solutions to everyday challenges.

But we're living in a very special time.

The problems haven't changed, but the way we can solve them has evolved dramatically. We're at a unique intersection of:

1. Timeless human needs and desires

2. Unprecedented access to global markets through social media

3. Revolutionary AI tech that can create expert-level content in minutes

The PDF Empire Builder™ isn't about reinventing the wheel. It's about taking a proven business model - selling information to solve problems - and supercharging it with today's technology.

Imagine having the power to create the equivalent of those mail-order books and DVDs in minutes, target them to people actively searching for solutions, and deliver them instantly - all without holding inventory or dealing with shipping.

That's the power of The PDF Empire Builder™.

This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. This is a way to participate in a digital gold rush by combining time-tested business principles with cutting-edge AI technology.

Speaking of our approach...

The breakdown

Here's Everything included in The PDF Empire Builder™ for just $247.00 Today

The PDF Method™ Step-by-Step Video Course + Guides

Discover the exact system for creating, marketing, and selling high-value PDFs using AI. In the training, I walk you through each step, from niche selection to scaling your PDF business, ensuring you have all the tools to build a thriving digital product empire in any niche.

20 Ready-To-Sell PDFs in The Best-Selling Niches

Get access to 20 expert-level, high-quality PDFs that you can sell as your own and retain 100% of the profit from. All of the hard work has been done for you. All you need to do is sell them (I show you how to do that too...)

20 Ready-To-Launch PDF Sales Pages

Don't waste time trying to sell via your own website that takes you weeks to build or waste time creating a product listing on Amazon or Etsy (where they take huge cuts of your sales and promote your competitors on your own listing)... Instead, import these done-for-you sales pages with 1 click and watch how quickly you start generating sales for your PDFs.

50,000 Faceless Videos To Promote Your PDFs

Skip the hassle of content creation and forget about showing your face on camera. Access our massive library of 50,000 ready-to-use, faceless TikTok videos designed to promote your PDFs effectively. These attention-grabbing videos are proven to drive traffic and sales, allowing you to tap into TikTok's viral potential without the time-consuming process of creating content from scratch.

Exclusive Access To The PDF Sellers Community

Join a thriving community of like-minded PDF sellers who are already crushing it with the PDF Empire Builder. Get instant access to a wealth of knowledge, real-time support, and invaluable networking opportunities. Learn from those who've already achieved success, share your own wins, and get answers to your questions as you build your PDF empire. This community is your secret weapon for staying motivated, overcoming challenges, and scaling your business faster than you ever thought possible.

Backed By Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

The Breakdown

Here's Everything included in The PDF Empire Builder™ for just $247.00 Today

The PDF Method™ Step-by-Step Video Course + Guides

Discover the exact system for creating, marketing, and selling high-value PDFs using AI. In the training, I walk you through each step, from niche selection to scaling your PDF business, ensuring you have all the tools to build a thriving digital product empire in any niche.

20 Ready-To-Sell PDFs in The Best-Selling Niches

Get access to 20 expert-level, high-quality PDFs that you can sell as your own and retain 100% of the profit from. All of the hard work has been done for you. All you need to do is sell them (I show you how to do that too...)

20 Ready-To-Launch PDF Sales Pages

Don't waste time trying to sell via your own website that takes you weeks to build or waste time creating a product listing on Amazon or Etsy (where they take huge cuts of your sales and promote your competitors on your own listing)... Instead, import these done-for-you sales pages with 1 click and watch how quickly you start generating sales for your PDFs.

50,000 Faceless Videos To Promote Your PDFs

Skip the hassle of content creation and forget about showing your face on camera. Access our massive library of 50,000 ready-to-use, faceless TikTok videos designed to promote your PDFs effectively. These attention-grabbing videos are proven to drive traffic and sales, allowing you to tap into TikTok's viral potential without the time-consuming process of creating content from scratch.

Exclusive Access To The PDF Sellers Community

Join a thriving community of like-minded entrepreneurs who are already crushing it with the PDF Empire Builder. Get instant access to a wealth of knowledge, real-time support, and invaluable networking opportunities. Learn from those who've already achieved success, share your own wins, and get answers to your questions as you build your PDF empire. This community is your secret weapon for staying motivated, overcoming challenges, and scaling your business faster than you ever thought possible.

Backed By Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Looking for Example Content?

View the first few course videos below!

What others are saying

"I was skeptical at first, but the results speak for themselves"

I'm a busy mom with 3 kids under 7. I don't have time for get rich quick schemes. But after my husband got laid off I needed to do something. I stumbled across one of ewans ads on instagram and thought why not? The first few days were tough and I almost quit. But then I made my first sale on day 4. $17. Not much, but it was something. Fast forward 2 months, and I'm consistently making $50-$100 a day. It's not millions, but it's paying our bills. If you're willing to put in the work this actually works.

"This isn't a magic bullet, but it's the real deal if you stick with it"

After blowing $2k on a dropshipping course that led nowhere I was ready to give up on this whole online business thing. Selling pdfs was my last shot. Thought it was too good to be true but I gave it a go. It took me around 2 weeks to get going but I kept at it, tweaking my posts on tiktok. Then it just clicked. I ended up making $780 in month 2 and $1,900 in month 3. It's not always smooth sailing. Some days I still only make around $50 but it's growing pretty much every day.

"The AI guide alone was worth the investment"

As a primary school teacher, I'm always saying how AI is changing everything. The step-by-step AI guide was so helpful. I'm now using these skills not just for my side hustle (which me just over $1.2k last month), but also in my classroom. I've even been asked to run an after-school workshop for the staff 😂 If you're on the fence, just do it. The skills you'll learn are invaluable, regardless of where you use them.

"It's given me my life back"

I was skeptical at the start tbh. As a personal trainer, I was on the gym floor 24/7 but it was killing me so I needed to find something on the side. To be honest the first month was a bit of a slog, and I almost packed it in. But I stuck with it. Now, 2 months in, I've cut my gym hours in half and I'm making more than I did before. Some weeks are better than others, but on average, I'm pulling in an extra $2,000 a month from my PDFs. It's not replacing my PT work, but it's given me breathing room and time with my wife. If you're willing to put in the effort, it's worth every penny.

Sounds Great… But Does Anyone Actually Make Money Selling PDFs?

$564k per month from PDFs teaching parents how to help their kids with ADHD become more focused and calm

$52k per month from 1 PDF teaching parents how to put their babies to sleep

$1.2M per month from a PDF guide and an audio file teaching people how to manifest their dream life

$47k per month from a PDF guide teaching women how to make men obsessed with them

Here's What You're Going To Discover In the PDF Empire Builder™

  • 20 Ready-to-Sell PDFs in Best-Selling Niches (So You Can Skip Months of Product Creation and Market Research)...

  • 20 Proven High-Converting Sales Pages (So You Can Skip Expensive Web Design and Position Yourself As An Expert Without Showing Your Face)...

  • 50,000 Faceless TikTok Videos (So You Can Skip Content Creation and Stay Anonymous)...

  • Step-by-Step Video Course and Guides (So You Can Skip the Learning Curve and Start Profiting Immediately)...

  • Exclusive Access to The PDF Seller Private Community (So You Can Skip Costly Mistakes and Learn from Successful Members)...

I'll also show you how to automate your PDF sales system so you can avoid being chained to your computer 24/7.

If building a sustainable, location-independent income stream with minimal time investment is what you're looking for, this is the ultimate way to do it.

And Before You Get Access To the PDF Empire Builder™… I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is super 'cheap' and I’m practically giving it away, but know that the content inside is NOT cheap.

You’re probably thinking:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for basically nothing?”

There’s ALWAYS a catch.

This is not one of those things.

I'm literally giving you this entire system, and everything on how this is done for $247.00 as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

But with all that said, I do want you to remember one thing...

This Offer Does Not Expire.

You can buy it today...

You can buy it tomorrow...

Or you can buy it in a year...

I don't sell using hype and I don't use marketing tricks or gimmicks to get you to buy it...

You were smart enough to read this far and you're smart enough to recognize a great thing when you see it.

...This is a digital product after all, so there is no official "expiration date" and I have virtually unlimited inventory.

Although I will be increasing the price, so when you come back to this page tomorrow or in a week, the price may've gone up to $997...

But look, if you're still skeptical, I get it...

That's also why...

I'm Offering An Ironclad 30-Day Guarantee

I’m so confident in the fact that you’re gonna get exactly what you want out of The PDF Empire Builder™, that if I’m wrong, and you don’t, I’ll hand you all of your money back without asking a single question.

So once you join, go through all the content, apply what you learn, and if you don’t get results within 30 days, shoot us an email at [email protected] and I’ll give you every penny you spent back AND let you keep access to the The PDF Empire Builder™.

Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll assume you’re ready to get started.

So here’s what that looks like:

This early-bird price may change without notice

Again, I'll be increasing the price to $997 so when you come back to this page tomorrow or in a week, the price may've gone up...

$997.00 $247.00

Save $750.00 Today

Get Instant Access To The PDF Empire Builder For Only $997.00 $247.00 Today. Delivered Instantly.

Backed By Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Once you check out, you'll be granted instant access to the private community and content library via email.

Until then, to your success,


P.S. Remember, The PDF Method™ comes with a rock-solid guarantee.

Get access, go through it, implement it, and watch the results roll in.

If you're not completely satisfied after giving it an honest try for 30 days, just let me know. Show me you've put in the effort, and I'll refund your $247.00 - no hard feelings. That's how much I stand behind this method.

Frequently asked questions

get your questions answered

How soon can I expect to see results?

Many of our students see their first sale within the first few days. However, results can vary. With consistent effort, following our proven system, most students start seeing consistent sales within the first 7-14 days.

Is this only for English-speaking markets?

Not at all! Our system works for any language. We provide guidance on how to use AI to translate your PDFs and marketing materials, allowing you to tap into global markets. My first ever PDF I launched was in the Turkish market and it did over £100k in sales — and that's just from 1 PDF).

What if TikTok gets banned or changes its algorithm?

Great question! While TikTok is currently a goldmine, our course teaches principles that work on any platform. We provide regular updates and strategies for diversifying your traffic sources, ensuring your business remains future-proof.

How much money do I need to get started with advertising?

One of the beauties of our system is that you can start with $0 in ad spend! Our organic TikTok strategies allow you to generate sales without paid advertising. As you grow, you can reinvest profits into ads if you choose to scale faster.

Is this sustainable long-term, or is it just a current trend?

This is far more than a trend – it's a thriving, evergreen market with explosive growth potential.

Here's why:

The PDF market is currently valued at $17.2 billion and is projected to reach $32 billion by 2028. That's nearly doubling in just a few years!

People have been paying for problem-solving information since the 1970s, and that demand is only intensifying in our digital age.

TikTok alone saw over 30 billion searches in 2023, with millions daily seeking solutions to their problems. This number is growing exponentially year over year.

As internet adoption increases globally, so does the market for digital solutions. There are 4.9 billion internet users worldwide, with 200 million new users added annually.

Our system isn't tied to any single platform or technology. It's based on the timeless principle of providing value by solving problems – something that will never go away.

The beauty of digital products is their scalability and low overhead. Unlike physical products, there's no inventory to manage or shipping costs to worry about.

As AI technology advances, creating high-quality, problem-solving content becomes even easier and more efficient, further boosting the potential of this business model.

Remember, people will always have problems, and they'll always be willing to pay for quick, effective solutions. By positioning yourself at the intersection of timeless human needs and cutting-edge technology, you're not just riding a trend – you're building a sustainable, future-proof business.

How is this different from other "make money online" programs?

I get it - you've probably been burned before. Maybe you've thrown money at a dropshipping course that left you high and dry, searching for that elusive "winning product." Or you've wasted hundreds, even thousands, on software promising to find the next big thing, only to end up with empty pockets and crushed dreams.

The PDF Empire Builder is the complete opposite of those empty promises.

Here's why:

No Guesswork: We give you 20 ready-to-sell PDFs that are already proven to convert. No need to spend weeks or months trying to find a "winning product."

Zero Inventory Risk: Unlike dropshipping, there's no need to buy inventory or worry about shipping logistics. These are digital products - sell one or sell a million, your cost remains the same.

Instant Start: The moment you join, you have a complete business ready to go. No waiting for products to arrive or testing multiple losers before finding a winner.

Real Marketing That Works: We provide 50,000 faceless TikTok videos you can use immediately. No need to become a content creation expert or show your face online.

Step-by-Step Guidance: Our video course doesn't just give you theory - it walks you through every single step, from setting up your first campaign to scaling to $1000+ days.

Proven System: This isn't some new, untested method. We've helped countless students succeed with this exact system.

No Hidden Costs: Everything you need is included. No sneaky upsells for "essential" software or tools that drain your wallet before you make your first sale.

Real Support: You're not left to figure things out alone. Our private community gives you access to successful students and direct support when you need it.

In short, we're not selling you a dream - we're giving you a complete, proven business system that you can start implementing from day one. No BS, no hidden agendas, just a straightforward path to building your own profitable online business.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this each day?

The PDF Method™ is designed to be flexible and efficient. You can start with as little as 20 minutes per day. Many of our successful users find that they can create and market PDFs during small pockets of free time, fitting it around their existing commitments.

I've tried other online business models and failed. How is this different?

Unlike many online business models, The PDF Method™ doesn't require inventory, shipping, or relying on other companies' products. You're creating digital assets using AI, which means lower overhead, faster creation, and 100% profit retention. Plus, our step-by-step system is designed to guide you through each stage, even if you've had no success with other online ventures before.

I'm not tech-savvy. Will I be able to use the AI tools and create PDFs?

Absolutely! We've designed The PDF Method™ to be user-friendly, even for those who aren't particularly tech-savvy. Our AI PDF Architect guide includes detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to use AI tools to create your PDFs. Many of our users with no prior tech experience have successfully implemented the system.

How can I market my PDFs without showing my face or dancing on TikTok?

Our Viral Video Formula teaches you how to create viral TikTok content without ever appearing on camera. You'll learn techniques for creating voiceovers, using stock footage, and leveraging text-based videos that can go viral and drive sales to your PDFs.

Is this legal? I'm worried about copyright issues with AI-generated content.

Great question! The PDF Method™ teaches you how to use AI tools responsibly and ethically. We provide guidelines on how to ensure your content is original and doesn't infringe on copyrights. Additionally, we show you how to add your own insights to the AI-generated content, making each PDF uniquely valuable.

Can I really make $3,500 per week with this method?

While $3,500 per week is achievable, it's important to note that results can vary. Some users reach this level quickly, while for others it may take more time. Your success depends on factors like niche selection, content quality, and marketing efforts. We provide all the tools and strategies to help you reach this goal, but it does require consistent effort and application of the methods taught.

What if the market becomes saturated with people selling PDFs?

The beauty of The PDF Method™ is that it teaches you to identify and target specific niches. There are countless problems people need solutions for, and new ones emerging all the time. Our Niche Selection Checklist helps you find untapped or underserved markets. Plus, with AI, you can quickly pivot to new niches as opportunities arise, staying ahead of any potential saturation.

Can I use this method to create materials related to my field of expertise?

Absolutely! Many users leverage The PDF Method™ to create materials related to their professional expertise or personal interests. The AI tools can help you generate ideas and content quickly, allowing you to focus on tailoring the material to your target audience's needs. This can be a great way to monetize your existing knowledge and skills.

Are all 20 PDFs and sales pages immediately available upon purchase?

While you'll have immediate access to several high-quality PDFs and sales pages, we're continually adding new ones to ensure the highest quality and most up-to-date content. New PDFs and sales pages are added regularly, giving you fresh material to work with as you grow your business. This approach allows us to respond to market trends and provide you with the most effective tools for success.

Is there an additional cost for hosting my sales pages?

Yes, to ensure the best performance and reliability, we use InfoEngine to host your sales pages at $47 per month. While this is an additional cost, it's important to note that the revenue from just 3 PDF sales typically covers this expense. Many of our students find this investment worthwhile - for example, one recent student made 6 sales within their first 6 hours of joining, more than covering the monthly fee. We believe in providing you with professional-grade tools that set you up for success from day one.

Is there ongoing support if I get stuck or need help?

While The PDF Method™ is designed to be comprehensive and self-guided, we understand that questions can arise. That's why we grant you instant access to The PDF Method™ community. Many of our users also find that the step-by-step nature of the guide, combined with our detailed examples, provides all the support they need to succeed.

Do you offer more in depth help?

Yes! I coach some students 1:1 privately. 

Do you offer a payment plan?

Yes, we do! We understand that investing in your future can be a big decision. That's why we offer a flexible payment plan option. You can get full access to the PDF Empire Builder here for just $97, followed by two additional monthly payments of $97. This allows you to spread the cost over three months while enjoying immediate access to all the materials and start building your PDF empire right away. It's a great way to get started without a large upfront investment.

Will the price really change?

Yes, and once the doors close, you won’t be able to get The PDF Method™ for just $27 again.

We might change the price this weekend, or next month. All we can tell you is that the only way the price goes from here onward is up.

Don’t delay this.

Backed By Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Still got questions?

DM Me On Instagram — @ewandvs

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